Environment and Sustainability Statement

Creating Sustainable Value.

Hicksons is committed to managing the impact on the environment and integrate sustainable solutions across our offices.

We aim to create efficient operations which contribute to a greener economy and minimise our carbon footprint, including:

  • Reducing paper usage through on-line business processes
  • Flexible working practices to promote shared space
  • Energy saving activities
  • Consumable and material recycling

Hicksons Sydney office is located within Barangaroo, one of the most exciting urban renewal projects.  ONE International Towers Sydney has several innovative features and the Property has been designed to a 6 Star Green Star Office design rating.  The Barangaroo office includes a centralised infrastructure such as Sydney Harbour water cooling, embedded electricity networks, recycled water treatment plants and on-site renewable energy generation.

Energy Usage:

Our open plan offices allow us to minimise electricity usage. Our lights operate on a sensor system and we encourage our people to switch off computers at the end of the day.  We keep our paper usage to a minimum by default duplex printing.  Our Barangaroo office includes over 6,000m2 of solar panels, energy optimised HVAC systems and an energy monitoring system, allowing NABERS to employ a 5.5-star rating.

Waste Management:

The precinct has clear guidelines for waste and recycling management in support of our strong commitment to sustainability.  By introducing colour-coded waste bins in our offices and promoting recycling programs, we have reduced our contribution to unnecessary food, packaging and enforce e-waste principles.

Sustainable Purchasing:

Sourcing environmentally sustainable products, including biodegradable packaging and investing in office supplies developed from eco-sustainable practises, allows us to minimise environmental impacts and reduce waste disposal.

Get In Touch

Please contact us if you have any enquiries via email at: [email protected] or by telephone on: +61 2 9293 5311 and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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