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Medical practitioner was recently found guilty of Professional Misconduct

A medical practitioner was recently found guilty of professional misconduct in relation to his assessment of a patient in an emergency department on one occasion, his prescription of schedule 4 drugs and his relationship with her during a subsequent 3 week period.
  • 8 Apr 2016


Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2016

In February 2016, the Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2016 (Bill) was introduced into South Australia’s Legislative Assembly. The Bill use the terms ‘unbearable’ and ‘hopeless’ as central defining factors.
  • 29 Feb 2016


Practitioners having personal or sexual relationships with those close to a patient is considered to be a boundary violation

A recent Tribunal decision provides a reminder for practitioners that having personal and sexual relationships with those close to a patient is considered to be as much a boundary violation as having such relationships with patients.
  • 26 Feb 2016


Guardianship order in relation to a patient who suffers from a mental illness

The Guardianship Division of the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Tribunal) was recently required to consider an application for a guardianship order in relation to a patient who suffers from a mental illness. 
  • 18 Feb 2016


Psychology practitioner denied allegations that she had an inappropriate sexual relationship

In this recent disciplinary proceedings the psychology practitioner denied allegations that she had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a client who she saw for 3 sessions in 1992. 
  • 17 Feb 2016


Psychiatric registrar failed to establish that she had been the subject of racial discrimination by her clinical supervisor

In a recent Federal Court decision a psychiatric registrar failed to establish that she had been the subject of racial discrimination by her clinical supervisor and the Director of Clinical Training.
  • 16 Feb 2016


Allegations that a psychologist had an inappropriate relationship with a patient whilst continuing treatment

The Civil and Administrative Tribunal of New South Wales recently dealt with a complaint brought by the Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) in relation to allegations that a psychologist had an inappropriate relationship with a patient whilst continuing to treat the patient. 
  • 15 Feb 2016


Dental practitioner was recently successful in obtaining an order

A dental practitioner was recently successful in obtaining an order allowing an earlier non-publication order preventing publication of his name in relation to disciplinary proceedings to continue.
  • 29 Jan 2016


Pharmacist breached numerous provisions of the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Legislation

A pharmacist recently sought an injunction from the Equity Division of the Supreme Court of NSW preventing the Pharmacy Council of NSW (the Council) from suspending his registration or placing conditions on his registration as an interim measure pending a final determination by the Council of the action that they would take in response to an investigation report from the Pharmaceutical Services Unit (PSU). 
  • 27 Jan 2016


Professional misconduct in relation to the manner of his prescribing of benzodiazepines to 19 patients

The Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) alleged that the practitioner the subject of these disciplinary proceedings was guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct and professional misconduct in relation to the manner of his prescribing of benzodiazepines to 19 patients, for breaching conditions that had been placed on his registration not to prescribe schedule 4 or schedule 8 drugs and as a result of the appropriateness of his medical records in 27 instances.
  • 21 Jan 2016


Appeal lodged by a patient concerning a community treatment order

On 3 December 2015 we reported on a Court of Appeal decision in relation to an appeal lodged by a patient concerning a community treatment order (CTO).
  • 20 Jan 2016

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