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Hicksons named as a Leading Firm in Doyle’s Guide 2021

Hicksons is delighted to be recognised as a leading firm in the 2021 Doyle’s Guide.
Firm News

Hicksons named as Leading Firm in Doyle’s Guide 2020

Hicksons is delighted to be named as a Leading Firm in the 2020 Doyle’s Guide.

Reducing suicide and deliberate self-harm in mental health in patient units

Recommendations have been made in the coronial jurisdiction following an inquest into the death of a patient in a declared mental health inpatient unit.
  • 6 Feb 2018


Forged consent forms lead to suspended registration

A medical specialist has been prosecuted for professional misconduct and had their registration suspended after forging consent forms for over 30 patients.

No ticket, no surgery

The Professional Standards Committee of the Medical Council of NSW found a medical practitioner guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct for allowing a visiting surgeon to operate without being registered to practise in NSW.
  • 14 Mar 2017


A need for targeted prevention of suicide by health professionals

A recent coroner’s inquest into the death of a RANZCOG trainee from an accidental overdose of intravenous drugs, including propofol, midazolam, and fentanyl, has highlighted the problem of diversion of drugs of addiction from hospitals. The inquest also highlighted a number of other issues which are of relevance to hospitals and doctors.
  • 7 Dec 2016


Primacy of Primary Insuring Clause

Schmidt J of the NSW Supreme Court has reminded us of the importance of examining the terms of the primary insuring provisions of policies in determining whether they respond.  This examination includes a requirement that the policy be interpreted to give it a business like interpretation.

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