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Meki Jnr Puletua by his Tutor Sosefina Puletua v Sydney Childrens Hospital [2024] NSWSC 64 – What is a material change in circumstances that could justify resiling from a settlement agreement?

Following settlement negotiations in a claim involving an infant plaintiff, terms of settlement were signed. In the usual course, a listing date had been allocated for the approval of the terms of settlement by the Supreme Court of NSW.   In the lead up to the infant approving Hearing, the plaintiff’s legal advisors requested that the matter be urgently heard as the plaintiff’s health had suddenly deteriorated and he was now in a critical condition. The Court agreed to hear the matter on Sunday, 14 January 2024 given that it was in the interest of both common humanity and administrative justice for the Court to have the opportunity to deal with the matter during the plaintiff’s lifetime.

Impact of NDIS on interim payment application

Eastbury v Genea Limited (formerly known as Sydney IVF Limited) [2015] NSWSC 1834
  • 24 Aug 2016

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