Australian Financial Review: More Law Firms Hit Gender Targets As Partnership Gap Narrows

Hicksons is excited to continue to lead with the highest proportion of female Partners across law firms.

Using data from firms participating in the AFR 2024 Law Partnership Survey, the firm was highlighted as having a majority 55% female representation across the firm’s Partnership.

Hicksons’ Managing Partner, Stewart Cameron, commented: It is a great result to see the firm continue to provide a progressive and supportive working environment for our people, attracting talent into the business while fostering and enabling organic growth.’

Hicksons’ Chief Operating Officer, Colleen Weiler, shared: ‘We are delighted with this result, which continues to showcase the firm’s people-centric strategy. Continuing to lead for female representation at the Partnership level is a result we are very proud of.’

This recognition comes following the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) noting Hicksons’ 0% base salary and 2% total gender remuneration gap in 2024, and winning the Australian Business Awards’ Employer of Choice for 2023.

Click here to read the full article.

Article authored by Maxim Shanahan, on 4 July 2024.

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